Caloundra Uniting Church

Sunday 9:30am Worship is at:
Unity College Chapel
From Sunday 9th February 9:30am Sunday Worship returns to the church at
56c Queen St Caloundra.
Sunday 9:30am Worship is at:
Unity College Chapel


At Caloundra Uniting Church we believe that Jesus makes a difference in our lives.

Sunday 9:30am -traditional in style, contemporary in focus. Kids space, kids time to learn. Communion on 1st Sunday each Month. 4th Saturday of Months February to November at 4:45pm – Messy Church – Informal, family worship in the Hall.


Gathering to in God’s Love

Scattering to Share God’s Love.


Here at Caloundra Uniting Church we are focused on discipleship. We believe in:
growing in faith together, praying together, and sharing life together. We believe in worship, witness and service, so in the life of our Church we have a range of faith groups, social groups, and serving groups. For a full list of the groups we have, please contact us.

Who We Are ?

We are a congregation in Australia within the Queensland Synod.

Upcoming Events

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Meet the Minister

Pastor Steven Fincham is the Minister


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